Finger Lakes, NY
Maybe an understanding of chaos let me make some kind of connection in this scene. Misery loves company. This jumble of boulders obstructing the flow, the wild ground cover, the tangle of branches and foliage overwhelmed me at first. The spill of water down the cliff was the only constant making sense of this place. Everything needs an anchor.
I was southbound, but my journey wandered into New York's wine country before dropping into Pennsylvania and West Virginia. A day of more clouds than sun is generally good for waterfalls, and I ended up at this one, inelegantly named Cowshed Falls. This early in autumn, a lot of green was still evident, in stages of yellowing that illuminate in lime. The beech tree was already yellowed, and ever so often a brief waft of sunlight caught the leaves.
This image took a lot of work from my capture. It is one image rendered in HDR, and then I used several luminance masks to accent areas of brightness and darkness in the scene due to the flat appearance of the RAW file.